Monday, May 31, 2010

Week 1

It's Memorial Day. Have you seen the Pioneer Woman's Coming Home photography project? Seriously, go now and check it out. Soldiers returning to their families. It will make you weep. And make you remember all that we take for granted. And make you think about those who are far from home today, working harder than they ever have on our behalf.

If you have a friend or family member in the military who is deployed overseas, write to him or her this week. If you don't, think of someone who is far from home who could use a handwritten note. Someone studying abroad. Someone who took a job overseas. A neighbor who moved far away.

I'm writing to a neighbor who is stationed overseas for a few years. It's been a tough transition on her kids and she is without her usual support system of girlfriends to help her through those tough parenting moments. If I could package up some sangria, I'd put it in there too. But I'm pretty sure that wouldn't make it through customs.

Who are you writing to this week?


  1. What a fun project!! I actually participated without even realizing it this week...I sent a card and small care package to my sister who got pregnant moments (well, maybe a week or two!) before her hubby deployed to Afghanistan for a year. I know cards often don't count as letters because you just sign your name. But, this time I did write her a long message on it.

  2. Aimee! That totally counts! And wow - long pregnancy for her without her husband.

  3. Does writing 27 thank you notes count? Because I am set through October.

  4. about if I wrote to a former HR parent whose husband is in the military...(initials CA)...wonder who has her address? Maybe DP or NK?
